1. To be listed you must provide a link back to Hentai Directory.
2. No blind links. Linkback must be visible somewhere on your site
3. Only appropriate legal sites will be accepted. No hate sites or underage content.
4. Sites containing redirects, malware, adware zango and other unscrupulous scripts will not be listed.
5. Only sites related to Hentai, Cartoons, Comics, Adult Art and Japanese Hentai Culture will be considered for inclusion in the directory. But if you have a general adult site and wish to join our traffic trade system you may still become a traffic trade link partner simply by adding your site to our traffic trade script Here.
6. We reserve the right to remove any site breaking these rules.
This is a human edited directory and we take the time to review each site and manually take screenshots of every site by hand. This takes time and effort on our part and we expect that you will respect this and not abuse our hospitality by removing your links after we add your site. Sites that play dirty in the persuit of page rank will be deleted, blacklisted and reported to other webmasters and peers in the industry. We hope that you will join us in shared growth so that all our sites will live long and prosper. We hope that you will become a trade partner.
If you have any questions comments or concerns, please dont hesitate to contact us at admin [@] hentaidirectory.org
ICQ 261*506*298